Introducing Competition and Informed User Choice into Human Services

Publisher: Productivity Commission, Canberra, 2016

Status – CURRENT

Preliminary findings report.  This preliminary findings report was released on 22 September 2016. You are invited to examine the preliminary findings report and make written submissions by Thursday 27 October 2016.  The study report will be released in November. Areas discussed include health reform, policy, evidence and planning.

Insert your document summary here, including as many key words as possible to aid in search results.

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Do hormones influence cholesterol levels after menopause?

Publisher: Monash University Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences 2013

Status – CURRENT

The main risk factors for heart attacks in women are elevated cholesterol, abdominal obesity and diabetes. Hormones (estrogen and testosterone) have been implicated as being protective against heart disease in women in some studies, and contributing to risk in others. Therefore we asked the question: are hormone levels in postmenopausal women related to an increase in risk of diabetes or elevated blood cholesterol and fats.

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ACCF Comfort Checklist

Publisher: Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation, 2016

Status – CURRENT

This resource was developed to Increase awareness and understanding of the need for regular screening amongst Australian women, to increase the likelihood of cervical screening being perceived as a “comfortable” procedure and positive experience and to include ways to overcome barriers to improve screening adherence.

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Hidden Hearts: Cardiovascular Risk and Disease in Australian Women

Publisher:  Mary MacKillop Institute for Health Research, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia, Oct 2016

Status – CURRENT

This report highlights a number of compelling issues surrounding cardiovascular disease, one of the most critical health issues for Australian women. The report provides a number of recommendations for consideration.

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ALSWH Plain Language Summary: Birth interventions differ for urban and rural women

Publisher: Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health, 2016

Status – CURRENT

The study found that women who lived in rural areas had fewer birth interventions than those in the city.

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ALSWH Plain Language Summary: Activity during late mid-age helps to delay joint symptoms in women

Publisher: Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health, 2016

Status – CURRENT

Osteoarthritis affects an estimated 1.8 million Australians. No cure is available and developing preventive programs is therefore important.  Women who are active in their mid to late fifties receive optimal benefit from the protective effect of physical activity. This may have important implications for designing effective prevention strategies.

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BeyondNow – a suicide safety planning app

Publisher: beyondblue, 2016

Status – CURRENT

The numbers of women who think about suicide, plan their suicide, attempt suicide and die by suicide is considerable and has a large impact on public health in Australia and internationally. BeyondNow is a suicide safety planning free smartphone app that provides a platform for people to develop their own personalised safety plan.  BeyondNow enables women to develop their list of warning signs, coping strategies, reasons for living and ways to stay safe in a convenient and confidential app. It can be easily accessed during times of distress and crisis, and can also be used in collaboration with health professionals or shared with family and close friends.  Safety planning can be beneficial for women experiencing, or who has recently experienced, suicidal thoughts or behaviour.  Suicide safety planning, suicide, supporting someone who is suicidal

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ALSW PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARY – Depression raises stroke risk in mid-aged women

Publisher: Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health, 2016

Status – CURRENT

The 12 year Australian longitudinal study on women’s health revealed that depressed women in their 40’s and 50’s have a two-fold risk of having a stroke.

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Media representations of violence against women and their children: Final report

Publisher:ANROWS, 6th June 2016

Status – CURRENT

This project aimed to establish the extent and nature of reporting of violence against women by the Australian media to inform future strategies for change.

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Women’s Sport

Publisher: Australian Women Sport and Recreation Association, Clearing House for Sport, 2016

Status – CURRENT

This page recognises that 1. Gender is a defining factor of sporting opportunities, funding and recognition. and  2. Gender equity in sport is part of an inclusive policy framework. It provides information, analysis and statistics on women’s involvement in sport, including CALD women, women with disability, and women from Indigenous cultures, and links to a variety of resources covering these topics.

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