Housing Outcomes after domestic and family violence

Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute April 2019

This study examined the impact of housing and other support services on safety and wellbeing for families experiencing domestic and family violence. The study also reviewed the legislative framework across Australia, together with interviews with key stakeholders and users.


CEDA How unequal -insights on inequality

Publisher: CEDA 2018

Status – CURRENT

CEDA released a report in April 2018 which examines key ideas and concepts of inequality, including inequality of opportunity and the future of inequality. Framing AWHN’s work/social model of health

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Counting on care work in Australia

Publisher: economic Security4Women, 2012

Status – CURRENT

Women are bearing the bulk of the care load – both paid and unpaid – and it is having a significant negative impact on their incomes and retirement savings. Unpaid care work restricts the capacity of carers to earn a living in general and to save for retirement in particular. Most paid care work is undervalued and underpaid and restricts the capacity of the worker to earn a decent living or save for retirement.

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