Western Australian Women’s Health and Wellbeing Policy

Western Australian Government – Department of Health 2019

The Policy recognises that women’s experiences of health and wellbeing differ to men’s and that health and wellbeing outcomes are shaped by biomedical and genetic factors health behaviours and the health system in which they live.


The health and social costs of women sleeping rough in Australia’s cities

Publisher: Centre for Social Impact University of WA

Status – CURRENT

The first detailed picture using non-administrative data of the physical and mental health outcomes and broader life experiences of women sleeping rough in Australia. Women sleeping rough experience elevated rates of physical and mental health conditions, substance abuse issues, domestic violence and interactions with the justice system relative to both the general population and women experiencing other forms of homelessness (such as couch surfing or supported accommodation).

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Western Australian Women’s Health Strategy: Setting the Scene 2013-2017

Publisher: Department of Health, State of Western Australia (2013)

Status – CURRENT

Setting the Scene is a companion document to the WA Women’s Health Strategy 2013-2017 and together these documents aim to promote better health for Western Australian women, particularly the vulnerable and most at risk.

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Western Australian Women’s Health Strategy 2013-17

Publisher: Department of Health, State of Western Australia 2013

Status – CURRENT

The aim of the Western Australian Women’s Health Strategy 2013-2017 (The Strategy) is to improve and promote the health and well being of Western Australian women, particularly vulnerable women at most risk of poor health outcomes. The Strategy also highlights the priority needs of, and for, women, in order to achieve better health outcomes into the future.

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WA Health Substantive Equality Policy

Publisher: 2015 Government of Western Australia Department of Health

Status – CURRENT

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2015 Women’s Report Card, An indicator report of Western Australian women’s progress

Publisher: Govt. of Western Australia, Department of Local Government and Communities, 2016

Status – CURRENT

The Women’s Report Card provides a snapshot of the lives of women in Western Australia in 2015. Containing nearly 90 indicators and more than 500 statistics, the report shows how far women have progressed in terms of leadership, economic independence, safety and justice, and health and wellbeing.​

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Freedom from Fear Action Plan 2015: Working towards the elimination of family and domestic violence in Western Australia (the Action Plan).

Publisher: Government of Western Australia Department for Child Protection and family support, 2015

Status – CURRENT

The Action Plan focuses on engaging and responding to perpetrators of family and domestic violence and sets out 20 actions under the following priority areas:

  • promote understanding and awareness about family and domestic violence;
  • target communities and populations at greatest risk;
  • trial and evaluate innovative approaches to perpetrator intervention;
  • promote consistent quality practice in engaging and responding to men who use violence; and
  • increase the capacity and authority of the service system to stop perpetrators of family and domestic violence when they are identified.

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Empowering the XX Factor – Improving access to women’s health services for disadvantaged women

Publisher: Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Centre 04/07/2014

Status – CURRENT

The role of the Clinical Senate of Western Australia is to provide a forum where collective knowledge on current strategic health issues are discussed and debated. Recommendations are made and are subsequently provided to the Director General (DG), the State Health Executive Forum (SHEF) and through the DG, to the Minister for Health.

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WA Strategic Plan for Family and Domestic Violence 2009-2013

Publisher: Government of Western Australia Department for Child Protection, November 2009

Status – CURRENT

This Strategic Plan aims to raise the community’s understanding and awareness of family and domestic violence. However, the first priority of the Plan is to ensure that each part of the system has the capacity to take action and, through their combined, integrated efforts, maximise the safety of victims and the accountability of perpetrators.

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Improving Maternity Services: Working Together Across WA – A policy Framework (2007)

Publisher: Government of Western Australia Department of Health, November 2007

Status – CURRENT

This policy framework aims to expand options for maternity care in WA, enabling more choice and greater continuity of care for a woman and her family. The aim is to shift the focus from highly medicalised, hospital based maternity models of care towards a greater emphasis on community based primary maternity services.

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