Keep Your Boat Afloat

Publisher: Women’s Health Goulburn North East, 2013

Status – CURRENT

WHGNE has operated a domestic violence specific No Interest Loans (NILS) program since 2007. As a result of this work we recognised that there was a need for resources identifying financial abuse as a form of family violence. Women who were separating from a partner were missing out on services available to them because they were not aware that the financial abuse they had experienced in their past relationship was in fact, family violence. We would regularly hear from women “He controlled all the money. I had nothing to spend on myself or the kids. But he never hit me. That’s not domestic violence is it?” The Federal Government’s National Plan of action to reduce violence against women and their children argues that because financial dependence is a major factor influencing a woman’s decision to remain with an abusive partner, and family violence is also often associated with poverty and homelessness; therefore financial independence and security are essential for leaving and staying away from an abusive partner.

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