
PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARY Women carers are more diverse than once thought

Publisher: Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health, 2016

Status – CURRENT

A University of Queensland study has challenged perceptions about women providing care for disabled, ill or frail family members. The study examined the patterns of caring undertaken by more than 26,000 young and mid-age Australians.

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Chronic diseases in Australia: Targets, indicators and accountability – Policy forum report

Publisher: Australian Health Policy Collaboration, 2015

Status – CURRENT

At a forum on 25 November 2015, representatives from seven working groups and the broader public health sector came together to discuss chronic disease targets and indicators. The working groups covered the topics of mortality, morbidity and high risk populations; alcohol; salt; physical inactivity; tobacco; diabetes and obesity; and mental health.  Attendees supported development of a prevention scorecard.

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Building effective policies and services to promote women’s economic security following domestic violence: State of knowledge paper

Publisher: Anrows, 2015

Status – CURRENT

This state of knowledge paper outlines what is currently known about the economic tactics and financial impact of domestic violence, and ways to promote women’s economic security during and following violence.

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