Cancer Screening Resources Hub

Publisher Cancer Council Victoria 2017

Status – CURRENT

Tools and resources to increase breast, bowel and cervical screening in Victorian under-screened communities.

cancer screening, under screened, never screened, bowel, breast, cervical, HPV vaccine, Victoria, cancer, cancer council Victoria, CALD, Disability, Indigenous, LGBTI, FOBT, Mammogram, Pap test

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A toolkit for Gender Advocacy

Publisher: University of Canberra September 2018

Status – CURRENT

The Toolkit provides practical advice and information about how to advocate for women.

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Gender mainstreaming for health managers: a practical approach- facilitators guide and participant notes

Publisher: 2011 World Health Organisation

Status – CURRENT

Gender mainstreaming health guide that includes sex specific approaches

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Framework for a National Strategy on Climate, Health and Well-being

Publisher: Professor Peter Doherty June 2017

Status – CURRENT

The document provides a policy framework which Australia can track  progress in responding to the health impacts of climate change improving the positive benefits for health and well-being from low carbon transitions.

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ACCF Comfort Checklist

Publisher: Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation, 2016

Status – CURRENT

This resource was developed to Increase awareness and understanding of the need for regular screening amongst Australian women, to increase the likelihood of cervical screening being perceived as a “comfortable” procedure and positive experience and to include ways to overcome barriers to improve screening adherence.

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BeyondNow – a suicide safety planning app

Publisher: beyondblue, 2016

Status – CURRENT

The numbers of women who think about suicide, plan their suicide, attempt suicide and die by suicide is considerable and has a large impact on public health in Australia and internationally. BeyondNow is a suicide safety planning free smartphone app that provides a platform for people to develop their own personalised safety plan.  BeyondNow enables women to develop their list of warning signs, coping strategies, reasons for living and ways to stay safe in a convenient and confidential app. It can be easily accessed during times of distress and crisis, and can also be used in collaboration with health professionals or shared with family and close friends.  Safety planning can be beneficial for women experiencing, or who has recently experienced, suicidal thoughts or behaviour.  Suicide safety planning, suicide, supporting someone who is suicidal

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Women with Disability & Domestic & Family Violence

Publisher: People with Disability Australia and Domestic Violence NSW Inc., 2016

Status – CURRENT

Australian women with disability are 37.3% more at risk of domestic and family violence. In NSW, over 43% of women experiencing personal violence have disability or a long-term illness, meaning that they experience violence at twice the rate of other women. The toolkit is a package of 3 informative and practical documents designed to support a service to become disability inclusive:

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Partners to Parents

Publisher: Partners to Parents, 2016

Status – CURRENT

This evidence-informed website aims to prevent perinatal depression and anxiety by educating partners on how they can support one another when they become parents. It aims to prevent maternal mental health problems during the transition to parenthood by addressing aspects of the partner relationship such as the division of labour. It was developed by researchers and psychologists at the Australian Catholic University.   The guidance contained in the website is also available as a booklet:  Key words: prevention, maternal, depression, anxiety, perinatal, women, mental health

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Representation of women in advertising Clearinghouse Connector – March 2016

Publisher: Women’s Health Victoria, 2016

Status – CURRENT

This Connector presents a selection of freely-available current research on the impact of advertising on women’s health and wellbeing. We present case studies where individuals and campaigns have taken action against ads, current examples of promising practice from around the globe, and the importance of women in the control and creation of advertising. We then cover the current policy landscape in Australia, and provide links to related websites for further exploration.

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Supporting Working Parents

Publisher: Australian Government, 2016

Status – CURRENT

There are almost 4 million Australians who have unpaid caring responsibilities and most of those people care for children. Supporting Working Parents offers information to businesses on compliance and legal obligations that can have added benefits to the bottom line, morale and help employers avoid tricky legal situations.

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