
Gender Equality in Leadership

Publisher: Government of South Australia, 2016

Status – CURRENT

Strategic framework to address gender inequality within South Australian public sector. This gender-informed resource is a subset of the South Australian Women’s Policy and video links to the 2016 Gender Equality  Leadership Summit held in South Australia.

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Gender equality and women’s empowerment strategy

Publisher: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Australian Government, 2016

Status – CURRENT

This strategy applies to the work of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and other Australian government agencies delivering Official Development Assistance (ODA). This document outlines why and how we work on gender equality and women’s empowerment in foreign policy, in economic diplomacy and aid for trade, in the aid program, and in our corporate and human resource policies.

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Investing in Women’s Futures – South Australia’s Women’s Economic Blueprint

Publisher: Government of South Australia Office for Women, 2016

Status – CURRENT

Building on previously developed policy, Achieving Women’s Equality in 2015, the Investing in Women’s Futures, among other things, focuses on gender pay gaps and financial literacy.

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Achieving Women’s Equality: South Australia’s Women’s Policy

Publisher: Government of South Australia, 2015

Status – CURRENT

Achieving Women’s Equality sets out the key priorities for action to ensure the economic status, social inclusion, safety and wellbeing of South Australian women throughout their lives is improved and sustained. The Policy provides a framework to address gender equity across all facets of state government and partnerships with non-government organisations, business, local government and community groups (Summary Sheet 2015).

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