
A High Price to Pay: The Economic Case for Preventing Violence Against Women

Publisher:  Our Watch, Victorian Health  Promotion Foundation, PWC, 2015

Status – CURRENT

This report demonstrates that the cost of violence against  women to society remains high and is increasing. At the same  time, there are significant potential cost savings and other  economic and social benefits to be gained from primary  prevention strategies that improve equality in relationships  and society.

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Advocacy for safety and empowerment: State of knowledge paper

Publisher: Anrows, 2015

Status – CURRENT

This paper analyses critical, policy, service and research literature on responses to Aboriginal women experiencing family and domestic violence in Australia; focusing on non-legal and non-clinical services and women’s specialist services in regional and remote settings. As a critical review, the paper highlights problems in using ideas of “effectiveness” and “success” to drive objectives in service delivery; and seeks to re-centre aspirations for empowerment alongside those for safety.

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Implementing trauma-informed systems of care in health settings: The WITH study. State of knowledge paper

Publisher: Anrows, September 2015

Status – CURRENT

This paper examines the available literature on trauma-informed frameworks, models and guidelines that guide organisations to improve service provision to survivors of sexual violence with mental health problems.

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Anrows Suite of Publications

Publisher: Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Limited

Status – CURRENT

New, innovative and relevant research on domestic, family and sexual violence, which aims to meet the evidence needs of policy makers and practitioners as well as the broader public. The suite is divided into the following areas of publication: Compass: Concise papers that summarise key findings of research on violence against women and their children, including research produced under ANROWS’s research program, and provide advice on the implications for policy and practice. Fast Facts: A quick reference resource for Key facts and figures on topics related to violence against women and their children. Footprints: Thematic publication focussed on communicating new, innovative and emerging research, policy and practice addressing violence against women and their children. Landscapes: Medium length papers that scope current knowledge on an issue related to violence against women and their children. Papers will draw on empirical research, including research produced under ANROWS’s research program, and/or practice knowledge. Notepad: Fortnightly update on the latest research, events, training, stakeholder news and issues in the media. Insights: ANROWS’s work including submissions, speeches, presentations and multimedia publications.

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A Safer State

Publisher: NSW Women’s Alliance 2015

Status – CURRENT

A blueprint to end sexual assault and domestic and family violence in NSW through leadership, prevention and early intervention and sustainable service and support systems.

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Violence Against Women and Girls – Prevention of violence against women and girls: what does the evidence say?

Publisher: The Lancet, April 2015

Status – CURRENT

In the past 20 years there has been a lot of research undertaken about violence against women. These Papers: review available evidence for what works to reduce the prevalence and incidence of violence against women; review the evidence for clinical interventions and discusses the components of a comprehensive health system approach that helps to identify and support women experiencing intimate partner violence; and addresses questions of why focus on men’s violence, what part gender plays, what works in work with men and how gender theory can be usedto work more effectively.

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Opportunities for Early Intervention: bringing perpetrators of family violence into view

Publisher: Centre for Innovative Justice, RMIT University, March 2015

Status – CURRENT

The report recommends a range of practical measures for tackling family violence within our community and to help bring perpetrators into view.

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She Speaks Report 2014

Publisher: The University of Queensland, August 2014

Status – Current

The survey from YWCA and report from the Institute of Social Science Research (ISSR) at the University of Queensland reveal that negative gender-based stereotypes damage young women’s working lives, their sense of self, their safety in relationships, and their leadership capacity.

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Stop the Violence: Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities in Australia. Background Paper.

Publisher: Women with Disabilities Australia, 2013

Status – CURRENT

Part of the Stop the Violence Project, this is a background paper to the The National Symposium on Violence against Women and Girls with Disabilities. It highlights 6 key issues: recognizing violence; responding to violence; inclusion and participation; sector development, cross-sector collaboration and data capture and use.

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Dehumanised -The Forced Sterilisation of Women and Girls with Disabilities in Australia

Publisher: Women With Disabilities Australia, 2013

Status – CURRENT

Recommendations to the Senate Enquiry into the forced sterilisation of women,