
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Health Strategy

Publisher: Australian Women’s Health Network, 2010

Status – CURRENT

The Strategy presented in this report was developed through the Australian Women’s Health Network Talking Circle in 2009-2010. Over 400 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women were involved in the consultations. The Action Areas and Recommendations presented in this Strategy were raised and discussed by the women who contributed to the Talking Circle.

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National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women’s health strategy 2010-2013 [Consultation]

Publisher: Australian Women’s Health Network, 2010

Status – CURRENT

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women experience the poorest health outcomes of any group of women in Australian society, and have a right to determine what their health system will look like. This strategy has been developed through extensive consultation with over 400 ATSI women during 2009-2010. It is intended to supplement other national and state/territory identified priorities and needs. Recommendations are grouped into four action areas: supportive environments; health service access and equity; women in the health workforce; and appointment of a national policy officer to implement the strategy.

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