Negotiating Discourses of Shame, Secrecy and Silence

Publisher: Australian Research Council and Western Sydney University, Community Migrant Resource Centre, FP NSW, and Centre for the study of gender, social in equities and mental health.   January 2017

Status – CURRENT

Identifying migrant and refugee women’s experiences and constructs of sexual embodiment are essential for understanding sexual subjectivity and provision of culturally safe sexual health information

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Sexual and Reproductive Health of Migrant and Refugee Women

Publisher: Australian Research Council and Western Sydney University, Community Migrant Resource Centre, FP NSW, and Centre for the study of gender, social in equities and mental health.

Status – April 2017

The research examines how sexual and reproductive health is experienced and understood by recent migrant and refugee women, living in Sydney and Vancouver Canada.

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Framework for a National Strategy on Climate, Health and Well-being

Publisher: Professor Peter Doherty June 2017

Status – CURRENT

The document provides a policy framework which Australia can track  progress in responding to the health impacts of climate change improving the positive benefits for health and well-being from low carbon transitions.

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National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions

Publisher: Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council 2017

Status – CURRENT

Acknowledging that chronic conditions are the leading cause of illness disability and death in Australia, the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions supports Australia’s international commitments and provides national guidance for a multisectoral response in the prevention and management of chronic conditions.

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Nurses are essential in health and aged care reform -A White Paper by ACN 2016

Publisher: Australian College of Nursing 2016

Status – CURRENT

The position paper covers information regarding health care workforce including future issues where nurses need to have a voice in healthcare reform at all levels.

Keywords: policy, reform, healthcare, nursing.

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ALSWH Plain Language Summary Vigorous exercise is it worth the extra sweat

Publisher: Australian Longitudinal  Study on Women’s Health, 2016

Status – CURRENT

This report on the effect of moderate or vigorous exercise on the risk of hypertension and depression concluding that moderate exercise is beneficial and vigorous adds slight benefits

hypertension, exercise, depression, high blood pressure, mental health

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ALSWH PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARY- Sitting time not associated with heart disease

Publisher: Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health, 2016

Status – CURRENT

In mid-aged women, sitting time does not appear to be associated with the risk of heart disease. These findings are contrary to expectations, given the growing evidence of a relationship between sitting time and heart disease. Research in this area is scarce and additional studies are needed to confirm or refute these findings.

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Examination of the health outcomes of intimate partner violence against women: State of knowledge paper

Publisher: ANROWS, 2016

Status – CURRENT

This paper systematically reviews evidence on the health outcomes for women in Australia experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV), noting that causal pathways are complex and subject to a rapidly growing body of knowledge.  It also describes current data sources on the prevalence of IPV and possible ways to address the gap in exposure data for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.

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A preventable burden: Measuring and addressing the prevalence and health impacts of intimate partner violence in Australian women: Key findings and future directions

Publisher: ANROWS, 2016

Status – CURRENT

This report outlines new findings on the health impacts of intimate partner violence and the contribution it makes to the overall disease burden in Australian Women. The findings are considered in the context of other evidence and the implications for policy, practice and further research are discussed. The second of two reports, this one focuses on two populations that experience the highest health impacts: women of reproductive age (18-44 years) and Indigenous women (see above).

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Examination of the burden of disease of intimate partner violence against women in 2011: Final report

Publisher: ANROWS, 2016

Status – CURRENT

This report extends results from the Australian Burden of Disease Study 2011 (ABDS 2011) to produce detailed estimates of the health burden due to exposure to IPV that are specific to Australian women in 2011. Of note, this report also includes estimates of attributable burden using a broader definition of IPV than used in the ABDS 2011, one that includes non-cohabiting partners as well as partner emotional abuse.

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